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Roxana Rod 100% win rate in last 3 days
Saskia Nikolas 2013% profit
Olive Kade  100% in last 7 days

A new star, Roxana Rod, is rising. It’s the first time for him to be in the list with a grade of 100% win rate in the last 3 days. Actually, it’s also a breakthrough for himself, which based on his hard working and serious attitude. Roxana Rod expressed his love to the betting area more than once. The chance of being in the list gives him more confidence to advance in this path. Therefore, we give him the first place this time.

Saskia Nikolas, who ranks second this time, has a profit rate of 2113%. As a new member of Soccerpet, Saskia shows his extraordinary talent in predicting. He is now Level 3 and I believe he will get to the top level and bring his followers more earnings soon.

Olive Kade, the third one in the list, is actually the most excellent one. 13 win streak and 100% win rate in the last seven days both shows his perfect condition. He is a careful and conscientious man, which can be shown from the amount and the win rate of his picks. He must have done a lot of work before posting those picks. Being his follower is originally very lucky.