Super Stars In The Last 7 Days

Soccerpet is always keen on serving users and taking users convenience. Here we once again picked some excellent experts in the last 7 days for reference. Below is a brief introduction.

Expert Marcus Dater– 10 win streak

Expert Marcus Dater got 10 win streak recently with profit rate as high as 1143%, which makes him rank first this time.

Expert Zola Rosy– 1112% profit rate

New comers are always lucky, so is Zola Rosy. With only 41 picks in total, he has been in the list last week successfully, beating hundreds of experts. We believe 9 win streak and 1112% profit rate are not his best grade. So why not follow him and share the new comer’s Luck together?

Expert BillionWang  –  90% win rate

BillionWang got 90% win rate as well as 9 of 10 win recently. With his own team, he must have a more professional way to predict. Also, he provides detailed analysis for every match.

Expert BLouie Inigo – 1059% profit rate

Again, Louie Inigo is in the list with 1059% profit rate and he ranks fourth this time. People who knows him must know that he is a professional and reliable expert.