Our top football analysis experts

Zelida Audrina 1487% profit rate

Zelida Audrina is introverted, that’s the impression I got after communicating with him. “I’d rather being at home and analyzing the games. That’s much easier than social contact.” Everyone can shine in their own field, so does Zelida. Earnings from Soccerpet help him prevent many quarrels from his family and now, he can put his heart and soul into predicting.

Robert Williams  73% win rate in the last 3 days

Finally, Robert is on the list. He is now level 5 and there are about 875 picks in total. As a old member of Soccerpet, he knows well how fierce the competition here. Of course, 90% win rate is not his best grade, it’s just because that when he had a better grade, someone had already passed him. “Thank god, finally!” said he with a bitter smile. Never did he expect that he can be on the list with only 90% win rate.

Martin Walker 13 of 14 win

Martin, also an old member of Soccerpet, finally waited a chance to be here. As Robert, he has mixed feelings now. He once got 11 win streak or over, but this time, he got the chance unexpectedly. “I can do better, you know,” Martin sighed. “Hope me can be here with my best grade next time.” Okay, may you wishes come true.